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Jesus holy ministries

Faith and hope are two solid companions to lead and guide us through life and its many trials.

G.V Narayana (Samuel)

Lead Pastor

our aesthetics

Jesus has taught us patience and love

Jesus, our definitive educator, exemplified the ideals of persistence and love all through His natural service. His life was a demonstration of the force of these ethics, exhibited in His connections with individuals from varying backgrounds.

In His lessons, Jesus stressed the significance of persistence, encouraging His devotees to persevere through hardships with unflinching confidence. He frequently talked in illustrations, utilizing stories to convey significant bits of insight and empower persistence in hanging tight for God’s timing.


As His followers, we are called to imitate Jesus’ illustration of persistence and love in our own lives. We are tested to stretch out persistence to other people, even in snapshots of disappointment or trouble, confiding in God’s arrangement and His amazing luck. In like manner, we are called to adore genuinely, mirroring the limitless love of our Rescuer in our connections and cooperations with others.


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Loving God, helping others and serving the world


"Deepen your faith with our diverse Bible knowledge sessions, exploring scripture's timeless wisdom and teachings."


"Join us in heartfelt worship, uniting in praise, prayer, and devotion to glorify our Lord together."


"Support our mission through generous donations, empowering us to serve our community and spread God's love."


"Find solace in prayer, connecting with God, seeking guidance, and experiencing the power of divine intervention."
The Grace of Giving

A generous soul will prosper. God bless our donators!

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“Jesus Holy Ministries isn’t just a church; it’s my second home. The warmth of the community, the depth of the teachings, and the genuine care for each member have truly transformed my life. Being part of this family has brought me closer to God and to others in ways I never imagined possible.” – Sarah M.

Sarah M

Sarah M

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