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At Jesus Holy Ministries, our core beliefs are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Here are some of the fundamental doctrines that guide our faith and practice:

  1. Belief in the Trinity: We believe in one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Each person is distinct yet coequal and coeternal.

  2. The Authority of Scripture: We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, containing all necessary truth for faith and practice.

  3. Salvation by Grace through Faith: We believe that salvation is a gift from God, received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is not earned through good works or personal merit.

  4. The Deity of Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, who came to earth to save humanity from sin and reconcile us to God.

  5. The Resurrection: We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, demonstrating His victory over sin and death, and offering hope of eternal life to all who believe in Him.

  6. The Church: We believe in the universal church, consisting of all believers in Jesus Christ, and the local church as a community of believers gathered for worship, fellowship, and mission.

  7. Baptism and Communion: We believe in the sacraments of baptism by immersion for believers, symbolizing the cleansing of sin and identification with Christ’s death and resurrection, and communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation.

  8. The Second Coming: We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to establish His kingdom, judge the living and the dead, and bring about the renewal of all things.

These doctrines serve as the foundation of our faith and shape our understanding of God, salvation, and the Christian life.

If you have further questions about our beliefs or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Becoming a member of Jesus Holy Ministries is a meaningful step in your spiritual journey. We welcome all who desire to commit to our community of faith and participate in our mission of spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Here’s how you can become a church member:

  1. Attend Worship Services: Start by attending our worship services regularly. This allows you to connect with our church community, experience our worship style, and learn more about our beliefs and values.

  2. Participate in Church Activities: Get involved in various church activities, such as Bible studies, prayer meetings, fellowship events, and service opportunities. Engaging in these activities helps you build relationships with other members and deepen your understanding of our church’s mission and vision.

  3. Complete Membership Classes: We offer membership classes or orientation sessions where you can learn more about the history, beliefs, and practices of Jesus Holy Ministries. These classes provide valuable information for those considering membership and offer an opportunity to ask questions and interact with church leaders.

  4. Express Your Desire for Membership: Once you feel ready to commit to our church community, express your desire for membership to one of our pastors or church leaders. They will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary information and forms to complete.

  5. Public Profession of Faith: For those who have not been baptized or have not made a public profession of faith, baptism and/or a public declaration of faith may be required as part of the membership process. This signifies your commitment to following Jesus Christ and living out the values of our church community.

  6. Membership Covenant: As a church member, you will be asked to affirm a membership covenant or statement of faith, expressing your agreement with the core beliefs and values of Jesus Holy Ministries.

  7. Welcoming Ceremony: Once you have completed the membership process, you will be officially welcomed into the church family during a special ceremony or worship service. This is a joyous occasion where you are embraced by fellow members and recognized as an integral part of our community.

Becoming a church member is not just about joining an organization; it’s about becoming part of a spiritual family and committing to grow in your relationship with God and others. We look forward to walking alongside you on this journey of faith.

At Jesus Holy Ministries, we believe in the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). If you feel called to participate in missionary work and share the love of Christ with others, here are some steps you can take to get involved:

  1. Pray: Begin by praying for God’s guidance and direction in your desire to engage in missionary work. Ask God to reveal opportunities and to equip you with the necessary skills and resources.

  2. Educate Yourself: Learn about different missionary organizations, opportunities, and the needs of people around the world. Attend seminars, conferences, or training programs that focus on missions and cross-cultural ministry.

  3. Join a Mission Trip: Participating in a short-term mission trip is a great way to experience cross-cultural ministry firsthand and discern if missionary work is the right fit for you. Many churches and organizations offer mission trips to various locations around the world.

  4. Connect with Missionary Organizations: Reach out to missionary organizations or ministries that align with your interests and values. They can provide you with information about long-term missionary opportunities, training programs, and support networks.

  5. Develop Your Skills: Consider developing specific skills or qualifications that would be beneficial for missionary work, such as language proficiency, cultural sensitivity, teaching abilities, or medical training.

  6. Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor or spiritual advisor who has experience in missionary work and can offer guidance, support, and encouragement as you pursue your calling.

  7. Support Missionary Work: If long-term missionary service is not feasible for you at the moment, consider supporting missionaries financially, prayerfully, or through volunteer work. Your contributions can make a significant impact on the spread of the Gospel around the world.

  8. Discern God’s Will: Ultimately, trust in God’s timing and direction as you discern your involvement in missionary work. Stay open to His leading and be willing to step out in faith as He guides you on this journey.