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work of the church

We preach the gospel in every sermon

“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” – Romans 10:17

At Jesus Holy Ministries, our primary focus is on proclaiming the life-transforming message of the Gospel in every sermon we deliver. We believe that the Gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ—is central to the mission of the church and essential for bringing hope, healing, and salvation to humanity.

about us

We invite you to pray and worship our Father God

“Embracing the principle of giving back is at the heart of our ministry’s mission. As followers of Christ, we believe in selflessly serving others, sharing God’s love, and making a positive impact in our community and beyond.”

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We invite you to pray and worship our Father God in Hope & Faith church


Our events

“Join us for vibrant worship, inspiring sermons, and engaging fellowship at Jesus Holy Ministries. Our events offer opportunities for spiritual growth, community connection, and transformative experiences for all ages.”


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